Across the region, IOM supports a variety of projects in the area of migration management. A selection of regional projects are included below.

  • Assisted Passage for Australian Government Funded Humanitarian Entrants
  • No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)
  • Sponsor pre-paid resettlement travel assistance to Australia-bound humanitarian entrants
  • Travel assistance to new migrants to Australia
  • Health Assessment and Departure Health Check (DHC) for Humanitarian Entrants to Australia
  • New Zealand Government Funded Quota Refugee Resettlement Programme
  • Sponsor pre-paid resettlement travel assistance to New Zealand-bound humanitarian entrants
  • Travel assistance new migrants to New Zealand
  • Health assessment for the New Zealand Quota Refugees
  • Immigration Visa Support Services to New Zealand Government
  • Migration Services to Australia
  • Health assessment for Australian and New Zealand visa applicants
  • Australian Cultural Orientation Programme (AUSCO)
  • Immigration Information and Counselling Services in Australia
  • Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Australia, Manus - Papua New Guinea and Nauru
Marshall Islands
  • Promoting Safe Migration and Integration though the Establishment of a Migrant Resource Center
Papua New Guinea
  • Strengthening Public Awareness, Community Engagement, and Communications Capacity for Settlement of Refugees
  • Building capacity of government to respond to climate change and engage grassroots structures in development planning for the atolls
  • Technical Assistance to strengthen legislation, prosecution efforts, and protection measures to combat trafficking in persons
  • Assisted Voluntary Return and Capacity Building in Migration Management in PNG
Federated States of Micronesia
  • A Migration Profile: A tool for Strategic Policy Development
  • Combating Trafficking in Persons through Establishment of Protection Frameworks for VoT
Solomon Islands
  • Strengthening Coordinated Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons in the Solomon Islands
  • Border Capability Improvement Program
  • Development of a National Framework for Durable Solutions in Vanuatu